Friday, April 27, 2012

Instagram addict

Okay so I just posted a blog about how I am sooo addicted with instagram! Today, when I woke up.. THIS greeted me!

igerspinoy made my photo their first favorite photo of the day and I never thought that they have this kind of thing! I just got shocked when I already saw this and it definitely made my day! ^_^

I really want the world to see my photos because like me, I got inspired by a lot of wonderful artists and photographers all around the world and by that, I also want to share that inspiration to others.. I mean, doing some DIY crafts, photography, editing and other stuffs like sports.. we can be productive, teens can be more productive rather than taking drugs (or whatever BAD FUN) because they just want to have fun.

So anyway, forgive the rants! haha let's have fun in instagram



Just some random shots with clouds and things.. :)

I had fun doing this since I used my pair of glasses as a filter to get that polaroid-ish look! great thing is the car is tinted so it created that rainbow effect.. sometimes simple things and even neglected things can make wonders.

Just like in life, the simplest things can make you happy and satisfied..

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Instagram Addict

Is it just me? or people are getting hooked up with #instagram already?!?!
Well I am one of the many people who are getting addicted to instagram! aside from the very easy access to  quick snaps, it gives you a lot of filter choices too!
(though I get most of my photos taken by dslr)
It is very FUN, addictive, simple and lesser hassle compared to facebook's timeline! hehe :)

some snaps of my instagram space!

Aside from it's easy access, I always love seeing people who has unique and consistent photos.. They always inspire me how to be consistent with my photos and of course, their creativity and uniqueness!.. 
I suppose to snap a shot of their instagram space but will just do it in a different post.. for some reason .. hehe